What is streamaxpay.com?

streamaxpay.com has helped enhance commercial real estate market. With our integrated service lines of brokerage, property management, construction and investments, our team of professionals deliver start-to-finish results to our tenants, owners and investors. As one, we pride ourselves on providing best-in-class service and support to our customers, our communities and the people who power them.

streamaxpay.com uses several layers of security measures to guarantee the security of your account. Our website is protected against DDoS attacks and transferred data is protected via an SSL connection encryption protocol.

To make an investment you must first become a member of our program. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member Email and password you provided at signup.

We accept all major Digital currencies and Accounts, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin cash, Dash, Ripple, Trc20 Usdt, BNB & Payeer

The platform has a minimum amount per investment of $100, however each investor can have an unlimited number of investments. Deposit amount range is detailed under investment plans presentation and under your personal account invest option.

All withdrawals are processed instantly by our system.

Regular members who have an active deposit can participate in our affiliate program which gives Referral commission of 10% on the first level and 3% on the second level.